My Process

I do love a good story. And a bad one.
My work is nearly always attached to an on-going narrative, often that is clear and obvious in the titles or body of work, at others its vague and doesn’t even get a mention. Always though, i find it helps with the palette, tone, the development of a series or mini series, the characters within and most importantly it removes me from the equation.
I think now i have a definite style of painting, however using this process lets my mind go to places it might not normally and ultimately results in a broad collection of paintings for sale.

I am self-taught and i think that happened during my years as a chef in the world’s kitchens. A complicated environment where you’ll find a very complicated relationship between the users, the canvas, the paint and the audience.
It was here i found my love of texture and it was leaving here that allowed me to fully embrace and engage with my love of mess.
It is a very paint heavy process and often there are many amazing paintings underneath the one you like, and you get all of those on the house………


I work messy.

Over time i have learnt to cover all that is sacred with cloth and cling film. If an old self could go back to give any advice to a young self it would be “bring dust sheet, no - the big one….”

…………..pastel weeks are much easier to tidy up…..