current works

I think there might be something in the water......
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just heading upstream for a bit mate.............
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Got my grill done on the NHS...................would recommend
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Round our way.....
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These ends AF
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Home AF
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been there/done that etc
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Lost AF
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here, here
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going nowhere...............
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Actually love, i was watching your reflection getting changed in the tempered glass.......
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When you find yours, I'll show you mine.........
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The way in which you would consume me.......
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can you see me love?/i can see you
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pretty happy in my own company thanks......
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lets just sleep in forever mate..........
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smiling as i wear the shoes your mother chose......
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i think its gonna be alright mate..........
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when she made her way over to me at the silent disco......
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The rabbit and the seagull
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The distance between my mouth and your ears........
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but would your eyes be closed or open
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in a moment of total happiness
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when he just carries it so well.........
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Just enough ignorance for bliss
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An x'll mark the place.....
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I don't want to be touched all the time.............
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Same wolf, different door................
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Thanks for being so gentle............
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The Parts of me you can't understand
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the marks that prove things......
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Is there somewhere more private we can go?
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I'll let you do my Wo*dle
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Will you wait for me Blue, wait for me mate, meet me, meet me at the gate?!
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Everything I own is now scattered across your driveway
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I used to regularly cover up my best bits to please your family
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it's not about where we are love, it's more of where you think we're going....
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Shall we buy this for our home before somebody else does? #1 (I don't think he does prints?!)
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Its quite possible that you just don't have enough empathy to hang around with the likes of me anymore.......
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....and also, I used to find your mother very attractive.....
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Pretty quiet 'round here now mate - everyone's saying it............
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When again, the fabulous ideas created in the small hours of night turn out to be completely obscene in the cold light of morning.
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was I even there though?
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So long Marbs and helllllooooo again carbs!!
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She wears her happiness differently from both you and I.........
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When winning was absolutely everything
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places I go when your not around......
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When the apple falls BANG right next to the tree
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Remember when you blagged it, all the way to the coast. For First Class tea and First Class toast.
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Go on deserve it!
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Reoccurring Plant Based Dreams and
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Stuff is just better when you're around.......even if its messy AF
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ooooh yeah, go on then ya libertine........x
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Things to do what isn't missing you
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The Mackerel(s) and the thin Tunas
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I know it's complicated love, but i promise we are better together.
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The train, the cheese, the olives and the trees (& the cliche warden)...
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Fitzroy sells up in San Sebastián....(should we do that?)
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RJD and the brutalist kitchen diner
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Richard Harringtons al-fresco Turkish bath
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the wolf & the door
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FYI - Jeremy and Diane now get all of their Albariño delivered directly from the producer in Galicia. Should we do that??
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oh <insert name>!! It is true, i remember ever word that you've ever said to me....
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The Great Gannet of Garway Moor
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of purpose
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ink blot sky/cumulus cloud
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Of Departure
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of expectation
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of hope
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of better things to come
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of time and place
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Brogue (size 10) and the crushed cigar
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of milk-thick air
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heading somewhere really cold to escape impending cold
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